Our Tenants

SpOtOn Clinical Diagnostics is a spin-out from King’s College London and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. Its patented technology is based on 30-years of pioneering research by Professor Neil Dalton and Charles Turner of the WellChild Laboratory – a collaboration between King’s College and Evelina Children’s Hospital.
Dalton and Turner’s research interests include the application of mass spectrometry to haemoglobin screening, organ biomarkers and metabolite screening.
The Founders have unique expertise in the application of mass spectrometry in screening. They introduced it for routine new-born screening in the UK with the development of the currently used methods to screen for PKU and MCADD. These methods changed the economies of scale in screening. SpOtOn promotes their latest patented method for use in newborn and ante-natal screening for haemoglobinopathies.
SpOtOn also commercialises their expertise gleaned through 30 years of working with renal-impaired children at the Evelina Children’s Hospital. SpOtOn offers a range of nephrotoxicity and other biomarkers; and continues to support research and drug trials in the area.
SpOtOn’s also provides clinicians and laboratories with testing for inherited metabolic disorders. SpOtOn’s novel methods allow the migration of many current tests, including amino acid analysis and acylcarnitines detection, into a single multiplexed analysis on the bloodspot.
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