Dementia Investment Forum

Location: Queen Mary Innovation Centre, 5 Walden Street, London, E1 2EF
Supported by: Hume Brophy
Date: 14th April
Time: 14.00 – 19.30

Programme (subject to change)

14.00 Registration and refreshments

14.30 Welcome

14.45 Session 1: Investing in Technology in Dementia

Chair: Ben Newton, GE Healthcare

Alan Edwards, ASep Healthcare
Oliver Sexton, Midven
Jill Rasmussen, psi-napse
Susan McGoldrick, The CNS Company
Nathan Nagel, Health E-Games

3 Company pitches (10 mins each)
PreDiagnostics AS – Erik Christensen
Health E-Games – Nathan Nagel
Cambridge Cognition – Andrew Blackwell

16.00 Refreshments

16.30 Session 2: Investing in Therapeutics in Dementia

Chair: Michael Perkinton, MedImmune and AstraZeneca

Rob Pinnock, MSD
Daniel Mahony, Polar Capital
Geraldine O’Keefe, Life Science Partners
Alasdair Thong, Index Ventures
Julie Simmons, Canaccord Genuity
Hakan Goker, MS Ventures

3 Company pitches (10 mins each)
Pharmasum – Anders Fugeli
Asceneuron – Dirk Beher
ProbioDrug – Konrad Glund

17.45 Tea/Coffee

18.15 Session 3: How can Public-Private Partnerships Change the Dynamic?

Chair: Siro Perez, Roundcape

Eric Karran, Alzheimer’s Research UK
Declan Jones, Johnson & Johnson Innovation
Erik Christensen, PreDiagnostics
Myra Waiman, Neurotrope and PRISM, The Gift Fund
Lisa Urquhart, EP Vantage

19.00 Closing remarks followed by networking over drinks and canapes

20.00 Close 

Free to attend

To register please visit: 

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